How to Apply
Our initial application deadline has passed, but we will continue to review and accept applications for placement in any remaining seats in next year's class or for placement on our waitlist!
Interested students and their families are strongly encouraged to review the materials on our website, schedule a tour or shadow day experience and contact us with questions.
Download the application from the link below. Once it is dowloaded, you can fill it out electronically or print it and fill it in by hand. You can also get a hard copy from your School Counselor or by visiting us at the Ag Center.
We accept completed applications by email; please send to OR mail /drop it off at Killingly Agricultural Education Center 226 Putnam Pike Dayville, CT 06241.
Program Application
Printable Program Information
Who may apply:
We accept 8th graders who reside in the following towns: Killingly, Brooklyn, Pomfret, Putnam, Thompson, Woodstock, Eastford, Plainfield, Canterbury, Sterling, Voluntown and Griswold. We can also accept applications from current 9th graders who plan to enter the program as 10th graders. We do not typically accept applications from rising Juniors or Seniors.
Completing the Application:
The application is standardized to all of CT's Agriculture Science and Technology Programs. The application can be filled out electronically, or can be printed and completed by hand. You can submit the application by email to or by mail to Killingly Agriculture Education Center 226 Putnam Pike Dayville, CT 06241.
Program Interview:
Once a complete application is received, all applicants must also participate in a 5 minute (3 question) interview and parent information session to review program expectations. Interview Night is planned for January 9th at 5:30 with a snow date of January 16th at 5:30.
Application Criteria:
All applications are evaluated by the following criteria using a standardized scoring system.
1. Demonstrated interest in a career in an agricultural or agricultural related field.
2. Personal meeting and/or interview with ASTE staff and/or school personnel.
3. Recommendations.
4. Attendance record.
5. Academic records.
6. Behavioral records.
7. Standardized assessment scores
Application Timeline:
We recruit at local middle schools throughout the months of September and October.
Open House for Interested 8th Graders is November 7th, 2024 at 6:00pm.
Initial application deadline is December 13th, 2024
Interview night will be held on January 9th, 2024 (snow date January 16th)
Student applicants who interview in January and meet our admission criteria are notified by mail in February.
We will continually accept and review completed applications until all seats in the incoming class for the 2025-2026 school year is full. Once the class is full, student applicants who meet our minimum criteria will be placed on a waitlist. Students on the waitlist will be contacted when a seat opens up and this can happen at any time throughout the spring and summer up until the first week of school.